About the project

Corporate website of the company The company is engaged in the creation of websites, mobile applications, design and branding.


Show studio portfolio Show main directions Show a team Make SPA Make a PWA

The solution of the problem

A web studio portfolio is one of the first things that people pay attention to when they want to make a website for themselves. The extensive portfolio was highlighted by animation and visual convenience. People working on projects are equally important - they can also be found on the site. The briefs of the company were worked out - they can be quickly and easily filled from the site. For better SEO optimization was applied server side rendering.

Selected technology stack


Burger menu

Unusual burger menu - memorable at first sight, easy to understand and navigate through the pages.

Admin panel

The administration panel is made in two color schemes, for those who love light and those who love their eyes. In it, you can manage the content of the site, find out how many visits there were yesterday, and understand what other administrators were doing.

404 page

Visiting a 404 page is rare, and it will be great if it is unusual and interesting. Like this!